it's just e m o t i o n taking me over
There are two ( 2 ) sides to every story --boy: i saw her today Girl: i saw him today --boy:
it seems like it`s been forever Girl: i wonder if he still cares --boy: she looks better then before Girl: i couldn`t
stop staring at him --boy: i asked her how things were going Girl: i asked about his new girlfriend --boy: i`d choose
her over any girl i`m with Girl: he`s probably really happy right now --boy: i couldn`t look at her without starting
to cry Girl: he couldn`t even look at me --boy: i told her i miss her Girl: he doesn`t mean it --boy: i meant
it Girl: he didn`t mean it --boy: i love her Girl: he loves his new girlfriend --boy: i held her for the last
time Girl: he gave me a friendly hug --boy: then i went home and cried Girl: then i went home and cried --boy:
i lost her Girl: i love him
fuck you. fuck you for making me feel like i meant something to you. fuck you
for making me feel like i was worth your while. fuck you for being my best friend. fuck you for making me fall in love with
you. and fuck you for doing this to me gradually, making me hold on desperatley to every last bit of hope i have, hoping that
maybe you won't break my heart completely.
Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness, heart, talent, guts.
That's what little girls are made of.
What do you do when the only one that can make you stop crying, is the person who made you cry?
Call me when you are sad. Call me when you need someone to listen and when you
can't find anyone who will. I don't care if I'm your last option. I just don't want you to cry alone.
Who do you turn to when there's no one you can trust?
the only way i can show my true feelings is by the scars i give myself
i cut myself to sleep.. i want to make these cuts deep. i think about my life and
want to end it with a knife. nobody at my side to comfort me when i cry. they ay this happens to everyone, everyone at one
point in their lives wish they were dead. but does everyone just sit there with a knife to their head? does eeryone write
suicidal poems? does eevryone walk out during rain and lightning trying to die in a storm? i've tried the pills they amost
worked. i was rushed to ER and around the ruber room i lurked. my daddy hiid the gun,once my depression had begun. my mother
hid the forks `nd knives knowing once again i would try to end my life, so i went downtown and bought a knife. then i was
somewhat happy. it's almost 23am and im sitting here looking at my bloody pants and wrists. this feeling of finally dieing
i cant resist. so now its 3:03 its tme to finally murder me
It's just my luck, I finally find the perfect guy, but
he already has the perfect girl
so what the hell am i suppose to do? you
only wanted the things i couldn't give to you.. & you had it all anyway.
somewhere there is someone who dreams of your smile -- someone
who finds your presence worthwhile -- so when you are lonely, remember its true .. someone,
somewhere .. is thinking of you.. <3
if you L00K iNSiDE a girls [heart<3] and see how much she
cries, you`ll find hidden secrets, best friends, & lies -- but what you`ll see the most is how hard it
is to stay strong when N0THiNG iS RiGHT + EVERYTHiNG iS WR0NG
true love is 8 letters .. .. and so is bullshit. </3
falling out of love is like giving up a drug .. [AND
I’d give anything to read your mind, to get into your
head. Then maybe I’d find out how to get you to notice me once more, to make you want
me like you used to. But then again, I guess I’d also find out how much you don’t care for me, and
what you really think about when you look at me.
A girl asked a guy if she was pretty, and he said no. Then
she asked him if wanted her, he said no. Finally she asked if he would cry if she walked away, and he said no.
Hearing too much, she turned away to leave, he grabbed her arm and told her to stay, and said, “You’re not
pretty, you’re beautiful. I don’t want you, I need you. And I wouldn’t cry if you walked away…
I would die.”
You know you've been hurt too many times
when you open your eyes and all you can see is tears
Good: Your hubby and you
agree, no more kids
Bad: You can't find your birth control pills Ugly: Your daughter borrowed them
Your son studies a lot in his room Bad: You find several porn movies hidden
there. Ugly: You're in them
Your husband understands fashion Bad: He's a cross-dresser Ugly: He looks better than you
Good: Your
son's finally maturing Bad: He's involved with the woman next door Ugly: So are you
Good: Giving the birds
& bees talk to your daughter Bad: She keeps interrupting Ugly: With corrections
Good: The postman's
early Bad: He's wearing fatigues and carrying an AK47 Ugly:
You gave him nothing for Christmas
Good: You're wife is pregnant. Bad: It's triplets Ugly: You had a vasectomy
five years ago.
Why Girls Like Guys
1. they always wear your favorite cologne 2.The way they run their fingers through your
hair. 3.The look that they give you that makes you wanna die right then adnd there. 4. The way they kiss away your
tears 5. The way they get mad when they cant make your problem go away. 6.They way they show of around their friends
even though you know you would love him even if he missed a basket or two. 7.the way they mkae it their personal mission
to ensure that your never get cold 8.That confused look they get on their faces when you are mad at them - guarenteed to
make your heart melt. 9.The wya they always let you win any game you play togather 10.....And when you point this out
tho them they pretend not to know what your talking about. 11.The smile they flash that can make your stomach drop to your
feet. 12.The way they cal to appologize after you had a big fight 13.The way they touch ,hold you so gently , as if
they are aftraid they will break you 14.They way they say "i love you" 15.They wayt they would die before saying "i
love you" in front of their friends 16. The way they kiss you 17.The way they kiss you after a fight 18.How they
hold you when you are crying 19.They way they think that they are your big protector 20.The way they say "i miss you"
even though they hate to admit it. 21.the way they comfort you after a bad day 22.they way they write you love letters
even if they think its uncool 23.They way you miss everything about them when they are gone. 24. Regardless of whether
you love them , hate them , wish they would die or know that you would die with out matters not. Because once they
enter your life what ever you were to the world they become everything to you . when you look them in teh eyes traveling to
the depths of their souls you say a million things without even speaking you know that your own life is consumed by their
love . we love them of a million reasons its a thing. and indescriblabale feeling
if two lovers remain friends either they were never really in love, or they still are..
i'vE LeArNeD tHaT gOoD-bYeS aLwAyS hUrT... PiCtUrEs WiLL nEvEr mAkE uP fOr NoT bEiNg tHeRe... aNd mEmOriEs -gOoD oR BaD- WiLL aLwAys bRiNg tEaRs. .
do relationships have to be so hard? Because the only thing harder is being alone
The bad guys lie to get in your bed and the good guys lie to get in your heart
you smile i smile you cry i cry you bleed i bleed touch her? i die
Have you ever
wondered which hurts the most? Saying something and wishing you hadn't? or saying nothing and wishing you had? I guess the most important things are the hardest things to say. Don't be afraid to tell
someone you love them. If you do, they might break your heart...if you don't, you might
break theirs. Have you ever decided not to become a couple because you were so afraid of losing what you already had with that person? Your heart decides whom it likes and whom
it doesn't. You can't tell
your heart what to do. It does it on its own....when you least
suspect it, or even when
you don't want it to. Have you ever wanted to love someone with everything
you had, but that other person was too afraid to let you? Too many of us stay walled up because we are too afraid
to care too much...for fear that the other person does not care
as much, or even at all.
Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle? We tell lies when we are afraid... afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid
of what will be found out about us.
But every
time we tell a lie, the thing we fear grows
stronger. Life
is all about risks and it requires you to jump. Don't be a person who has to
look back and wonder what they would
have done, or could have had. * What would you do if every
time you fell in love you had to say good-bye? *What would you do if every
time you wanted someone
they would never be there? What would you do if you loved someone more than ever and you couldn't have
remember that game we used to play when we were kids? | telephone | and something would be said to one person nd by the
time it reached the last one it was a completely different story? welcome to HIGHSCHOOL
She thinks back to an old memory She closes her eyes and she smiles Just ask her if she ever
still thinks about him She'll say '" every once in a
while "'
Have you ever curled yourself around a razor blade because the cold bite is sharpened.
Pain was all you could feel, and it was better than feeling nothing at all
Guys dont ((leave)) you for another girl because she's prettier
or has a better body. It's because she makes him feel good about himself. As selfish as it may sound, its if you want to keep him in your life.. make him feel *special*.
& she whispers into the mirror as she wipes the eyeliner from her eyes........ "i'm stupid"........
the last time i lay beneath him 'he turned my arm toward the light so that the scars glowed
he asked me, ''how do you stand to show those to the world, how do you reach out ' to strangers & shake
Eric : See, duckies are good, cuz not only do they give you that non-threatening
sense of security, but you can feed 'em crackers and you can ride 'em. See, duckies are the horsies of the ocean. No, I mean
they are. Cory : Okay, someone explain to me about duckies before I hit him with a spoon. Amy Matthews : It's wallpaper.
Topanga : It's adorable. Alan Matthews : It's for you room. Eric : DUCKIES RULE. -boy meets world
sometimes all you can do
is smile and move on with your day, hold back the tears and pretend you're okay...<|3
just when you think that nothing is going to make your day better, you turn
the corner and see him waiting for you with a big smile on his face.
then I go and spoil it all, by saying something stupid like "I love you."
-tell the truth.
-date someone totally wrong for you.
-say no.
-spend all your cash.
-fall in love.
-get to know someone random.
-be random.
-say "Ilove you".
-get angry.
-be the first to say i'm sorry.
-scare yourself at least once a day.
-sing out loud.
-smile often.
-dance in front of the mirror.
-laugh at a stupid joke.
-get revenge.
-tell someone how much they mean to you.
-tell an asshole how you really feel.
-let someone know what they are missing.
-stalk someone.
-black mail.
-laugh till your stomach hurts.
I must have rehearsed my lines a thousand times until I had them memorized but when I get up
the nerve to tell you the words never seem to come out right..
Im the kind of girl that laughs at a joke 3 times. Once when it's told, once when
it's explained to
me and then 5 minutes later when I finally get it.
promises mean _ everything _ but after they`re broken sorry means nothing
at all
He can never be ( fully hers ) because he will always carry a ( peice of me ) around
in his ( heart ).
do you ever just get that feeling where you don't want to talk
to anybody? you dont want to smile, and you don't want to fake being happy. but at the same time, you don't know exactly what
is wrong either. there isn't a way to explain it to someone who doesn't already understand. if you could want anything in
the world it would be to be alone. people have stopped being comforting.. and being alone never was. at least when you're
alone no one constantly asks you what is wrong and there isn't anyone who wont take 'i don't know' for an answer. you feel
the way you do just BECAUSE. you hope the feeling will pass soon and that you will be able to be yourself again, but until
then all you can do is wait..
i sit here locked inside my head, remembering everything you`ve said. the silence gets you no where..gets
us no where way too fast..
i'm holding on waiting for your call it's simple but i can't explain this i'm
s.i.n.k.i.n.g down i feel like i could die i'm falling off i don't know why
Never let anything go that you can't go a day without thinking about...
What if i told you that today was the last time you'll ever see me.. would you
regret everything you did to me..?
wOrds can be shOrt and easy tO speak- but their echOes are truly endless*
the truth is... everyones gonna hurt you you just have to decide who's
`worth the pain...
My skin is my paper. My razor is my pen My scars are my story of my pain.
To the girl who will replace me
There are just a couple of things
that I thought I should tell you. I learned these while I was the object of your guy's affection. First of all, don't be frightened
if he smothers much more love on you than you had expected. Don't be surprised if he treats you much better than any other
guy you have ever met. And let it not scare you that he will actually listen carefully to every word you say, even when you're
just speaking quietly. Also, you should know that he remembers everything you will say. He's hurt easily, especially by the
painful words a careless girl will say. If you do hurt him, then you'll have to pay the price of seeing the broken look in
his passionate and deep brown eyes, and watch the light in them fade. But if this happens, all is not lost- a kiss and an
"I love you" can heal anything. And please, don’t say I love you to him, unless you really mean it, nothing hurts him
more then someone who really doesn’t care. Sometimes, he won't tell you what he is feeling, but... just know that he
is protecting you and if you ever feel that something isn't right, just look into his beautiful brown eyes and you will be
able to see into him. You can see everything he is feeling, everything he is thinking, everything that isn't right with him...
He won't ever try to hurt you, because he just isn't that way, so please don't hurt him because if you do, I don't think I
could ever forgive you. I don't think there could ever be a worse feeling in the world than knowing that you have the boy
that I love and knowing that you hurt him. You should know that if you two ever get into a fight, just make sure you pick
only the ones worth fighting for... He will always keep his temper and will never curse at you or call you names, despite
the anger he may be feeling. Though he may act mature, most of the time, once he's given you his heart, he will begin to open
up to you and his silliness will make your heart smile, in a way that words can not explain. Don't hold a tight grip on him,
let him go and be part of the world and experience new things. You will find that he is a busy guy and that he is so very
independent. Sometimes, he will need his space, but don't worry... He'll always make time for you and even when you're not
around, you'll be in his thoughts. You will find that he isn't like any other guy that you have met, so please don't take
him for granite. When it comes to his money, don't take advantage of that, He will be so unselfish with it, because that is
the way he is. Remember, He likes blue better than green, blonds better than brunettes, Republicans better than Democrats,
Soft pretzels win over Steak, Kacki over denim, Leather over cloth, and even though he won't admit it, he really does like
to be surprised. He is less tough than he may appear, you just have to take the time and let him bring down his guard... He
is so sweet and so amazing and know that if you ever leave him, you will break his heart apart, the same way that my heart
breaks apart, as I sit here writing this to you. Don't ever try to pull him away from his dreams. He is going to be an extremely
successful attorney and won't ever let you give up on your dreams, either. He will encourage you to become everything you
can be and will never, ever let you down. He likes it when you kiss his ear and nothing is better than hugging each other.
Just watch how your hand will fit perfectly into his and when it does, it seems as if nothing in the world could hurt you,
because he is there. And when he puts his arms around you and tells you that you are the girl he loves, you will know, there
isn't any guy in the world better than him... Don't ever let him go. You will regret doing so, for the rest of time... I promise,
you will. guys get mad easily... girls
get sad easily...
guys can forget, but cannot forgive... girls
can forgive, but cannot forget...
guys care the most about the quantity of love... girls care the most about the quality of love...
guys break-up
when they feel love from another girl... girls break-up when they feel the feeling of separation
from her man...
guys feel curiosity towards all girls... girls feel curiosity towards guys who are interested in her...
guys are heart broken, they try to forget about the girl by going out with another girl..
girls are heart broken, they try to find his characteristics in another guy...
guys wish to be her first love... girls wish to be his last love..
there comes a ((point)) in life where you realize that you just DON’T
NEED certain people.
sometimes you have to run away so you can see who will run after you. sometimes you
have to talk quiet just to see who is * listening. sometimes you have to step up in a fight just to see who`s standing
by your side. sometimes you have to make a wrong decision only to see who`s there to help you fix it. and sometimes
you have to let go of the one you love just to see if they love you enough to come back to you.
its the possibility that keeps me going, not the guarantee, a sort of wager on my part ... and though
you may call me a dreamer or a fool or any other thing , i believe that anything is possible
In every girls' life there will always be those three guys; the one she loves, the one she hates
& the one she can't get enouqh of and in the end, they're all the same guy
but thoughts they change and times they rearrange. i dont know who you
are anymore.
G00D FRiENDS will be there to take ure drink away from you when they think
you`'ve had enough -- but your [BEST FRiENDS] will look at u trippin over ure own two feet & say "bitch,drink the
rest of that. you know we don't waste that kinda shit"
In a few years I might look back and say, "He really was my first love", but
maybe I won't have to look back because hopefully, he'll be right by my side.
Guys say girls are confusing? First... if we don't like something, we'll straight
up tell you. We don't sugarcoat or walk on egg shells for anyone. If we have something on our mind, we will talk about it...
not walk around it with an attitude letting everyone know something pissed us off. We are down with being friends who occasionally
hook up. We aren't looking to hubby you up over it. Give us attitudes, and yeah, we are going to give it right back. It's
not called nagging... it's called getting annoyed after asking you to do something for the 50th time in a row. So boys...
next time you find a girl to be confusing... take a long look at yourself.
If someone breaks your heart, just punch them in the head. Oh sure, it seems obvious
now, but you`d be amazed at how many people don`t think of it when it`s relevant. Seriously, just punch them in the head and
go get some ice cream. <3
dear summer, i know your gunna miss me
Late nights at the beach, Everything so out of reach, Once again September, Always
will we remember, The fun times that we had, The good & the bad, Partying, drinking, dancing, Kissing, hugging,
romancing, Late night drives, Feeling so alive. Goodbye to Summer oh five
“I'm a first believer in the power of change. But there is one thing I've
learned, and that's the hardest part of moving forward is not looking back.”
”Sometimes people change and forget to tell each other.”
She was the girl who always carried a camera, trying to find beauty in a world
so flawed.
there's a good chance you dont like us, but theres a better chance we dont give
a fuck
Boys? Puhh-lease! There's cooler reasons to cry.
as cold nights roll in, and leaves fall to the ground, those sweet summer
memories will always be around
Eventually;; it'll all make sense. You'll realize why you don't have the
same group of friends, You'll realize why your first love didn't work out, And you'll realize that it all happened .
. . So you can have something better
life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who
treat you right, forget the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. if you get a chance, take it.
if it changes your life then let it. nobody said it'd be easy, they just promised that it'd be worth it."
As we grow up we learn that even the one person that wasn't suppose to let you down, probably will.
You will have your heart broken more then once and it's harder every time. You will break hearts too, so remember
how it felt like when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll cry because time is moving too
fast. And you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've
never been hurt. Because every sixty seconds you spend upset, is a minute of happiness you'll never get back
I’m you’re typical girl. I cry at sad parts in a movie. I like dressing in a million different
styles, and yes, on occasion, I show too much skin. I like every type of music, even if I wont admit to people that I do.
Most people say that they have the best friends in the entire world, but I really do. I trust very few people, but try and
like everyone. I tell everyone how much I hate school, but I appreciate my education. I eat junk food when I’m bored,
hungry, or anytime in between. When I’m out with my friends, I go to the bathroom in those cliché groups, and talk about
the boys I’m with. Somewhere in that group of boys is that one special guy. It’s that boy, who every girl has.
It’s that boy who makes you shake and act like a dork. He makes you forget what you want to say, and make your words
come out slurred. And even though he has your heart, you’re not sure you want to change that.
the tooth fairy teaches children that they can sell their body parts for money I blame her
for prostitution
There are memories etched into my brain that I know I'll never forget. And I don't
want to. It's moments like those that make me feel alive. People live for those moments, and I treasure them. To some people,
they'd mean nothing - but to me, they're everything. And now I feel as though those moments are over - quite possibly forever.
I'm scared of that. I don't want to let those moments - and that feeling I got during them - go. I want to hold on to them
forever. But things aren't going to be the same anymore, as much as I wish they were. I guess I'll just have to accept it;
that time in my life is over. But at least I got some good times, and I'll always hold them close to my heart."
In the Herbel Essences commercials, the girl in the shower is always screaming "Yes, yes, YES!"
so convincingly, it's as if she's having an orgasm from this extraordinary product of hygiene. Well, I've tried the
stuff. I didn't get an orgasm from using it. So I wonder...they never show you anything below her shoulders in the commercial.
So WHAT IF there was some guy in there, doing something to the woman in order to make the responses all that more real?
Cause I know that if MY boyfriend were in the shower with know. I wouldn't be saying "yes" about the
I remembered moments of happiness: endless summers and acoustic guitars.
It was just a summer, that shaped our lives & effected us more than either of us could have ever
we cling to music, to poems, to quotes, to writing, to art because we desperately dont want to
be alone. we want to know we arent going crazy & someone else out there knows exactly how you're feeling. we want someone
to explain the things we cant. we love everything tied up neatly, easy & simple, & when we cant do that, it scares
the hell out of us. to not know where you're headed, kills. being unsure isnt in our plans. but its those moments, the one
where you risk it & step unknowingly into the future that assures us life is larger then we know
the best things in life dont happen unless you take risks. risk yourself & throw your heart
out onto the table. be who you are & hope people accept you. if they dont, too bad. always be real, never fake. smile
when you're happy, cry when you're sad. never hold emotions inside. let yourself risk getting hurt. let yourself try something
new. follow your heart & do what you feel is right, not what other people tell you to do. fall in love, take a chance.
hope the other person feels the same. love is a risk. it could bring either pleasure or pain, sometimes both. life is a gamble.
you never know what it'll bring. live in the moment & dont dwell on the past. find the good in everybody. think positive,
do positive. break the rules & take the chance of getting caught
the most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. it takes up a lot of your time. what do you
get at the end of it? a death. whats that, a bonus? i think the life cycle is all backwards. you should die first, get it
out of the way. then you live in an old age home. you get kicked out when you're too young. you get a gold watch, & you
go to work. you work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. you drink, you party, you get ready for
high school. you go to elementary school, you become a kid, you play & have no responsibilities, you become a baby, you
go back into the womb, you spend your last nine months floating, then you finish off as an orgasm
The funny thing is nobody really ever knows how much anybody else is hurting. We could be standing
next to somebody who is completely broken, and we wouldn't even know